====== Displaying MetaPost output in “ghostscript” ====== MetaPost ordinarily expects its output to be included in some context where the "standard" MetaFont fonts (that you've specified) are already defined --- for example, as a figure in TeX document. If you're debugging your MetaPost code, you may want to view it in a ''[[https://www.ghostscript.com/|ghostscript]]''-based (or some other PostScript) previewer, but note that viewers (even ''[[https://www.ghostscript.com/|ghostscript]]'') //don't// ordinarily have the fonts loaded, and you'll experience an error such as Error: /undefined in cmmi10 There is provision in MetaPost for avoiding this problem: issue the command «''prologues := 2;''» at the start of the ''mp'' file. Unfortunately, the PostScript that MetaPost inserts in its output, following this command, is incompatible with ordinary use of the PostScript in inclusions into (La)TeX documents, so it's best to make the ''prologues'' command optional. Furthermore, MetaPost takes a very simple-minded approach to font encoding: since TeX font encodings are anything but simple, encoding of text in diagrams are another source of problems. If you're suffering such problems (the symptom is that characters disappear, or are wrongly presented) the solution is to view the "original" MetaPost output after processing through LaTeX and ''dvips''. Conditional compilation may be done either by inputting ''MyFigure.mp'' indirectly from a simple wrapper ''MyFigureDisplay.mp'': prologues := 2; input MyFigure or by issuing a shell command such as mp "\prologues:=2; input MyFigure" (which will work without the quote marks if you're not using a Unix shell). A suitable LaTeX route would involve processing ''MyFigure.tex'', which contains: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \includegraphics{MyFigure.1} \end{document} Processing the resulting DVI file with the ''dvips'' command dvips -E -o MyFigure.eps MyFigure would then give a satisfactory Encapsulated PostScript file. This procedure may be automated using the Perl script ''mps2eps'', thus saving a certain amount of tedium. The Plain TeX user may use an adaptation, by Dan Luecking, of a jiffy of Knuth's. Dan's version [[ctanpkg>obsolete|mpsproof.tex]] will work under TeX to produce a DVI file for use with ''dvips'', or under pdfTeX to produce a PDF file, direct. The output is set up to look like a proof sheet. A script application, ''mptopdf'', is available in recent (La)TeX distributions: it seems fairly reliably to produce PDF from MetaPost, so may reasonably be considered an answer to the question... ----- //Source:// [[faquk>FAQ-mpprologues|Displaying MetaPost output in `ghostscript`]] {{htmlmetatags>metatag-keywords=(LaTeX,graphics,Metapost,Postscript output) metatag-og:title=(Displaying MetaPost output in “ghostscript”) metatag-og:site_name=(FAQ LaTeX francophone) }}